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Chelsea Nevestich is Creating Moulin Rouge Costumes for DEBUT

Fashion Design Graduate Chelsea Nevestich quickly fell in love with costume design as an eighth grade elective and decided to pursue the creative career while still a student at Encore High School for the Performing Arts in Hesperia, California. As a Theatre Costume Design Student, Chelsea is designing Moulin Rouge costumes for FIDM’s Annual DEBUT Runway Show event live-streaming on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM PDT. We caught up with Chelsea, who will be creating costumes for can-can dancers, Toulouse-Lautrec, and the Green Fairy, to learn more. 

What silhouettes and fabrics can we expect to see? You can expect to see sharp and angular silhouettes with layers. You can also expect to see many vinyls, holographic, and iridescent fabrics.

What is your point of view, as a designer? While designing, I pulled inspiration from armor, cyberpunk fashion, and random things from throughout the day. For example, I pulled inspiration from the sharp angles in armor, the asymmetry from cyberpunk fashion, and one time I was inspired by a cake that I saw on Instagram.

How do you hope people will feel when they see your designs? I hope people are amazed by my designs and are curious to see more.
What inspires you as a creative and as a fashion designer? I am inspired by many things, but I think what inspires me most is shapes and patterns. I like to spend time researching through images to help inspire me when I am designing.

What is a lesson you’ve learned in this advanced program? I think the biggest lesson I've learned from this program is how to independently source my own materials and how to solve construction issues while building my garments.
How is FIDM helping you get closer to your career goals? FIDM has helped me learn industry standards and has also given me the experience I need to get into the costume designing industry.

Why do you want to be a costume designer? I want to become a costume designer because I love the process of taking a design and bringing it to life. I love pattern drafting, sewing, researching, and sourcing materials.  I also enjoy the challenges of figuring out how to construct a complex garment/piece. 
At what point in your life did you have that lightbulb moment where you felt like this was the industry for you? The first moment that I knew this industry for me was in my eleventh grade year after I had made a platter tutu for a ballet. I had amazed myself with what I had created and knew right there that costume design was for me.

Categories:  Theatre Costume Design Student